My Web Graphics Portfolio
Sample of graphics designed for various Catholic websites:
Donation of Toys during the Christmas Season
Web Ad for the ‘Buen Camino’ documentary program which aired on NET TV
Ad for the Year of Faith
Bishop Frank Caggiano’s installation as the Bishop of Bridgeport, Conn.
Graphic to advertise World Communications Day in the Diocese of Brooklyn
Ad for streaming of Rosary Rally for Catholic Telemedia Network
Web graphic to drive traffic to Jennifer’s blog
Pilgrimage to Italy with Bishop Sanchez
Streaming of ‘The Catechetical Leader in the Third Millennium’ conference
Ad to showcase the documentary ‘Minor Revisions”
Ad to commemorate the installation of Bishop’s Chappetto and Sanchez as auxiliary bishops in the Diocese of Brooklyn
Web graphic for St. Francis DeSales’ Holy Week Schedule
Advertisement for Regina Tours trip to Rome
Congratulations to newly ordained in the Diocese of Brooklyn
End of Life services
Religious Freedom Ad
Highlight Holy Week programming on Catholic Telemedia Network
Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Journey to Lebanon
Ad for trip to Albany to represent the Catholic voice